Student Reflections from Transylvania

2 May 2023

Mariam Zewdu ’24, Mia Strubel Iram ’25, Nate Ellis ’24, Brandon Moore ’24, Becky Reinhold ’25, Reagan Wills ’24, Etta Humes ’25, Graci Huff ’25, Sandy Ramirez ’24, Wesley Rosenberg ’25, and Mike Kombate ’23 share their experiences in Romania through architecture, history, religion, and more.

Crowd of faithful after the Easter Village at the Holy Trinity Church, Sighisoara

Crossing into Eastern Europe: Facts, Images, and People

2 May 2023

Join Carleton students as we explore the beautiful landscape that is Eastern Europe and learn about the deep, rich culture that lives in Romania and its surrounding European countries!

Students in Romania

Last Judgments with Jacob Sanders ’25

27 April 2023

Jacob Sanders ’25 shares his experiences in Rome near Sant’Antonio and Padova.

Chapel in Sant’Antonio Basilica

A Review of Italian Gelato with Matt Wyffels ’23

27 April 2023

Matt Wyffels ’23, an Economics major, describes the Italian gelato he has on the History, Religion, and Urban Change in Medieval and Renaissance Rome Spring 2023 trip!

Portogallo: Example of the silver tins

Frescoes and Mosaics with Margaret De Fer ’24

27 April 2023

Margaret De Fer ’24, shares her travel experiences on the History, Religion, and Urban Change in Medieval and Renaissance Rome Spring ’23 OCS program.

One of the many walls of frescoes depicting the last days of Jesus

Living London: Writing City, Creating Self

26 April 2023

Faculty Director Gregory Hewett describes what makes London such a special place to study theater, literature, music, and visual art and why he is excited to lead the Living London: Writing City, Creating Self program.

road in london

History, Culture, and Commerce: Africa and Arabia

23 January 2023

Explore archaeological and heritage sites in Zanzibar, Oman, and Bahrain on the History, Culture, and Commerce: Africa and Arabia program with Faculty Director Thabiti Willis.

student standing on beach with skyline in background

German Studies in Austria

23 January 2023

Kiley Kost, faculty director for the new OCS program German Studies in Austria, shares what makes Austria such an incredible place to study and experience literature, theater, and art.

Hallstatt - Castle on water with mountains in the back in austria

Greece at a Crossroads: History, Landscape, and Material Culture

11 January 2023

Faculty Director Alex Knodell shares why he is so excited about the new OCS program Greece at a Crossroads: History, Landscape and Material Culture.

Greece panorama view of island in blue ocean

French and Francophone Studies in Paris

5 January 2023

Faculty Director for the French and Francophone Studies in Paris Program ins Spring 2024, Scott Carpenter, talks about what makes the Paris program special such as the complete language and cultural immersion, the optional internship, and the “unreproducible experiences” they will have.

Fontaine de Copeaux